Ship of Stone

Ship of Stone
Par:Enki Bilal,Pierre Christin
Publié le 2001-01-01 par

Property developers are planning to build a large resort where Trehoet Castle stands; effectively destroying the small fishing village that surrounds it with commercialism. Soon the developers find out that the castle's ghostly occupant and the residents of the village will stop at nothing to keep it from being demolished

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ID de livre de Ship of Stone's Les livres sont JWsgPQAACAAJ, Livre écrit parEnki Bilal,Pierre Christinavec ETAG "lRyNX//3hJ4"

Livre publié par depuis 2001-01-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781930652392 et ISBN 10 Code est 1930652399

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Ship of Stone

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