The Practice of Everyday Life

The Practice of Everyday Life
Par:Michel de Certeau
Publié le 1998 par U of Minnesota Press

Volume 1 considers the uses to which social representation and modes of social behavior are put by individuals and groups, describing the tactics available to the common man for reclaiming his own autonomy from the all-pervasive forces of commerce, politics, and culture. Volume 2 is based on on microhistories that move from the private sphere (of dwelling, cooking, and homemaking) to the public (the experience of living in a neighborhood). Delves into the subtle tactics of resistance and private practices that make living a subversive art.

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ID de livre de The Practice of Everyday Life's Les livres sont NHJNScWvV70C, Livre écrit parMichel de Certeauavec ETAG "zw2skal5y7s"

Livre publié par U of Minnesota Press depuis 1998 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780816628773 et ISBN 10 Code est 0816628777

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Livre qui ont "292 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieSocial Science

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The Practice of Everyday Life

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