The Arts: Anime

The Arts: Anime
Publié le 2014-05-14 par iMinds Pty Ltd

Learn about Anime with iMinds insightful knowledge series. Super robots to schoolgirls, Astroboy cute to violent realism, Pokemon to pornography. All of these different images, stories and types of entertainment, in cartoon form, can be called Anime. The term Anime covers an enormous range of animation. A specific definition of Anime is difficult as the style is vast, steeped in history and ever evolving. Most often it characterizes all animation of Japanese origin - or of the Japanese style. Anime has a long and varied production history in Japan, but principally entered the Western conscience in the 1980's. Since then it has grown in popularity and international significance. iMinds brings targeted knowledge to your eReading device with short information segments to whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind.

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The Arts: Anime

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